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Latest news - AFTLS and other letters

I'm pleased to announce that I recently became an associate director of Actors From The London Stage. If you don't believe me, click here. It means I have the exciting honour of sitting in meetings and not saying much, but it also means I have the opportunity to contribute to the amazing work this company creates. I've loved each one of the three US tours I've been on with AFTLS, plus the months I spent in Laramie as the eminent artist in residence at the University of Wyoming as a direct result of my work with them. Their approach combines my interests in devising and Shakespeare - marvellous. The next tour they have coming up is Measure for Measure, do catch it at a theatre near you if you can.

It's just as well that I'm a fan of devising and Shakespeare since that is my teaching rest for the British American Drama Academy (BADA). If you don't believe me, click here. I worked with them for the first time this year and am very pleased to be returning to teach and direct for three months next year. The first group I worked with devised their own show, incorporating scenes from Hamlet, which they performed at the Cockpit Theatre in April. They were all superb and I was incredibly proud of them. Who know what next year's group will create...

The beginning of next year will be a busy time with teaching at BADA and also performing again in Macbeth for Out of Chaos (OOC). As well as touring the UK, the company will be making its US debut at the Off The Map (OTM) festival in Utah... More news soon...

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